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Old Mar 28, 2006, 01:00 AM // 01:00   #21
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jun 2005

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That, to me, says you really want a more efficient grouping system than what we currently have. Which you should. Why the grouping system is based off of "W/Mo20 LFG Anything I'm scared and alone and there are wolves after me plz add" is beyond me. You'd think making it easier to actually play the damn game would have been a priority. It most certainly hasn't been.

People have been asking for a better grouping system (and trade system, I might add) since Day One and ANet continues to ignore it other than having Gaile do some lip service every now and then. If they finally did it, I think a lot of people's complaints would go away.

Last edited by AeroLion; Mar 28, 2006 at 01:02 AM // 01:02..
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Old Mar 28, 2006, 01:06 AM // 01:06   #22
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I personally would like it set up like RA and TA:
One set for organized play
One set for random play

As things stand, RA is the only place to go to just jump into a PvP match. HA (HoH for those of you who like to refer to the end zone :P), you have to form a group. If it is somewhat randomly assembled, you suffer from the problem of it being quickly destroyed by those rank3/6/9++ groups. Which is the other problem with HA, getting in groups that are skilled without being at least rank 3. :/ Furthermore, TA is a bit freer, but still, people want you to fill some sort of preconceived build idea, typically. GvG: as mentioned above, it seems rare to have a) enough people on to GvG, and b) if enough people are on, enough people that actually WANT to GvG.

One other mechanism that i really like about the random set up for the Alliance Battles is that of the auto rez (and not at like, every 2 minutes or something like that), because it frees up a slot from having to bring a rez.

Anyway, I think the best way to please everyone would be to have both organized and random versions.
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